
Kucing Pemberani Usir Rubah Besar
MOSKOW - Ukuran rubah boleh saja lebih besar dari ukuran kucing pada umumnya. Namun siapa menduga seekor kucing kecil justru berani menghadapi rubah tersebut.
Sioma, seekor kucing kecil membuktikan ia adalah seekor kucing pemberani. Ia berhasil mengejar seekor rubah yang berukuran jauh lebih besar yang menyelinap masuk ke pekarangan rumah milik Sergey Krasnoshchokov di Kronotsky, Rusia.
Bahkan Sioma tidak menunjukkan ketakutan di wajahnya.
"Sioma sangat protektif terhadap keluarga dan rumah kami. Kami membelinya setahun lalu, sejak saat itu ia mulai menjaga rumah kami dan ia pemberani," ujar Sergey Krasnoshchokov seperti dikutip Daily Mail, Jumat, (23/12/2011).
Menurut Krasnoshchokov, awalnya dia mengira rubah itu hanya sekedar mencuri kesempatan untuk bermain-main dirumahnya. Namun ketika ia melihat Sioma mengejarnya, rubah itu mulai takut dan berlari.
Unwelcome guest: Simona the cat sets off to intercept a curious fox as it approaches his home in Russia's Kronotsky nature reserve
Unwelcome guest: Sioma the cat sets off to intercept a curious fox as it approaches his home in Russia's Kronotsky nature reserve
Flashpoint: Sioma the cat crouches as the threatening fox approaches near his home in Kamchatka, Russia
Flashpoint: Sioma crouches in preparation as the fox comes bounding up to investigate
Too close for comfort: The fox comes sniffing within a whisker of Sioma but the fearless feline stands his ground
Too close for comfort: The fox comes within a whisker of Sioma but the fearless feline stands his ground
Now clear off: Sioma goes on the offensive sending the fox packing
Now clear off: Sioma goes on the offensive sending the fox packing

And don't come back: The much larger animal beats a hasty retreat as Simona chases it across the snow
And don't come back: The much larger animal beats a hasty retreat as Simona chases it across the snow
Guard duty: The territorial puss keeps watch outside the family home
Guard duty: The territorial puss keeps watch outside the family home

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