
Bumi Tampak Kecil di Gambar Menakjubkan Saturnus

Banyak foto menakjubkan Saturnus muncul beberapa tahun terakhir namun tak ada yang semenakjubkan ini. Bahkan, Bumi terlihat dalam foto ini. Seperti apa?
Gambar menakjubkan ini diambil dari pesawat luar angkasa Cassini-Huygens saat mengorbit sekitar planet keenam dari matahari yang berjarak 1,2 miliar km dari Bumi. Gambar ini diambil di malam saat pesawat mengamati gerhana matahari seperti dilaporkan Dailymail.

Gambar menawan ini muncul karena sisi malam Saturnus sebagian terlihat menyala karena memantulkan cahaya dari sistem cincin besarnya. Selain itu menurut astronom NASA, cincin planet ini tampak gelap ketika tersiluet dan sedikit menyebarkan cahaya matahari dan menghasilkan gambar berwarna menawan ini.
Cassini-Huygens pertama diluncurkan pada 1997 dan telah banyak mengambil gambar-gambar menakjubkan serta menyediakan data ilmiah menarik. Misi pesawat ini akan berakhir pada 2017 ditandai dengan penabrakan dirinya ke permukaan Saturnus. [mor]

Out of this world: This amazing picture of Saturn was taken by the Cassini probe. If you look carefully, you can see planet Earth to the left, nestling just above the bright rings
Out of this world: This amazing picture of Saturn was taken by the Cassini probe. If you look carefully, you can see planet Earth to the left, nestling just above the bright rings
Two can play at that game: The Cassini probe isn't the only bit of kit that's taken spectacular photos of Saturn. This one comes courtesy of the Hubble Space Telescope, showing its Northern and Southern lights
Two can play at that game: The Cassini probe isn't the only bit of kit that's taken spectacular photos of Saturn. This one comes courtesy of the Hubble Space Telescope, showing its Northern and Southern lights

Cassini's earlier work: This grand mosaic consists of 126 images taken in 2004 and acquired in a tile-like fashion, covering one end of Saturn's rings to the other and the entire planet in between
Cassini's earlier work: This grand mosaic consists of 126 images taken in 2004 and acquired in a tile-like fashion, covering one end of Saturn's rings to the other and the entire planet in between

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