
KREASI IKAN HIDUP karya "Riusuke Fukahori",

“Goldfish Salvation”

With the premise of inspiration amusingly enough being his own pet goldfish, artist Riusuke Fukahori created a series of sculpture-fused paintings that perfectly capture the essence of fluidity in a goldfish’s movements. His goldfish works titled Goldfish Salvation are meticulously detailed. He constructs pieces using castings of resin with layers of acrylic paint.

 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”
 “Goldfish Salvation”

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