
Jepang Bangkit dari Kehancuran : Gambar-Gambar Pembangunan kembali dalam 3 Bulan setelah Tsunami

A view of earthquake and tsunami-hit Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture on March 20, left, and the same area after the building and debris was removed on June 3

A view of earthquake and tsunami-hit Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture on March 15, top, and the same area pictured on June 3

Tiga bulan yang lalu warga Jepang kembali membangun tempat mereka setelah gempa dahsyat dan tsunami .

Gelombang air yang tiada ampun menghancurkan puluhan ribu bangunan, seta meratakan apa saja di jalan. Banyak orang tewas dan ratusan orang yang luka-luka.

Sekarang,sudah  tiga bulan, gambar-gambar ini menunjukkan sifat  orang orang Jepang yang tetap gentar setelah  malapetaka di tanah air mereka, sebagai langkah demi langkah mereka membangun kembali bangsa mereka.

The pleasure boat ''Hamayuri'' washed up on the rooftop of an inn by tsunami and a building have so far been removed in the town of Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture, on April 6 (top) and on June 3 (bottom)

A Shinto shrine gate and surroundings in the town of Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture three days after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami and the same spot on June 3

A residential area being hit by the tsunami in Natori, Miyagi prefecture (top) and the same area, with only one house remaining on June 3 (bottom)

A parking lot of a shopping centre filled with houses and debris in Otsuchi town, Iwate prefecture two days after the earthquake hit and the same area picture on June 3

Local residents walking through debris on a street in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, to get water 48 hours after the disaster, top, and the same area on June 3 where a large tank and a damaged house on the left side of the street have been cleared away


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